CAMPO 2008 : 廣場電影院

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廣場電影院 第三彈 - 自由紅氣球

2008 : 廣場電影院 第三彈

日期 Date : 2008/05/10

主題 Topic : 紅氣球 Le Ballon Rouge

自由 ! 宿命 !

1956年由法國導演Albert Lamorisse執導的34分鐘短片-Le Ballon Rouge,全片沒有對白,故事從一個小男孩開始,無意間撿到一個紅色氣球的孤單小男孩,於是從此有了玩伴,他去那都帶著它,紅色的氣球就像自己專屬的精靈如影隨形跟著他飄上飄下,正象徵了每個人心中不滅的童心與對自由的響往...

第三場的廣場電影院 將用紅氣球概念作為視覺裝置,號召崇尚自由並保有童心的朋友們,讓音樂帶我們飛翔,解放廣場,共同創造廣場跳舞場景。

The film "Le Ballon Rouge " directed by the French director Albert Lamorisse in 1956. No dialogue through the film. Started from a little boy who picked up a red balloon inadvertently and he has a playmate ever since. He takes the red balloon with him wherever he goes. The red balloon is like the wizard of his own floating up and down with him.It sympolizes the inner child in each of of us and the desire to be free.
Part 3 in the Cinema Live Party
We decorate the place with red balloons to call for those who still has a child in you and who are looking forward to be free.
Let the music leads us to the sky.
Let's set the CAMPO free. Let's creat the dance scene together.

Le Ballon Rouge 電影片段
